1. Use Fans Wisely: Position fans to create a cross-breeze. Ceiling fans should rotate counterclockwise to push cool air down.

  2. Block Out Sunlight: Use blackout curtains or shades during the day to keep out heat. Reflective window film can also help.

  3. Seal Gaps: Check windows and doors for drafts and seal any gaps with weather stripping or caulk.

  4. Keep Appliances Off: Turn off unnecessary lights and unplug appliances that generate heat, like computers and TVs, when not in use.

  5. Use Light Bedding: Switch to breathable, lightweight bedding and cotton sheets to stay cooler at night.

  6. Limit Cooking: Avoid using the oven during peak heat hours. Try no-cook meals or use the microwave instead.

  7. Ventilate at Night: Open windows in the evening to let cooler air in, then close them in the morning to trap the cool air inside.

  8. DIY Air Conditioner: Fill a bowl with ice and place it in front of a fan for a makeshift air conditioner.

  9. Plant Placement: If you have indoor plants, place them strategically to help cool the air.

  10. Stay Hydrated: Keep yourself cool by drinking plenty of water and eating light meals.

Try a combination of these tips to see what works best for your space!